Energitopmøde for Østersølandene, 30. august

On August 30, heads of governments and energy ministers from countries on the Baltic Sea region and the European Commission will meet on the Danish island of Bornholm to discuss the path to energy independence from Russia.

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Prospective bidders on Energy Island Bornholm are invited to dialogue meeting the 6th of May 2024

The Municipality of Bornholm and Baltic Energy Island invite prospective bidders for Energy Island Bornholm to a dialogue meeting. With the meeting, the Municipality of Bornholm and Baltic Energy Island will provide information on the various opportunities for collaboration with Bornholm associated with Energy Island Bornholm. There will be a particular focus on overplanting, PtX, and the ambitions for a green energy business park, but all those currently involved or considering bidding on the tenders related to Energy Island Bornholm will benefit from attending the meeting.

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Baltic Energy Island på finansloven – energiøer skal være en dansk styrkeposition

Med midlerne fra finanslov 2024 får vi et rygstød til at sætte fart på ambitionerne om at bruge Energiø Bornholm som afsæt for at gøre energiøer til en styrkeposition for dansk erhvervsliv. Ligesom Danmark i 1980erne var verdensledende på landvind og siden 00erne på havvind, skal Danmark udvikle teknologier og systemer, der sikrer os et innovationsforspring på 3. generation af vindenergi, energiøer.

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